Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Four months... wow

So I knew coming into this that I would be awful at updating this, and I promise I'll post more in the next few days.

Dylan is almost four and a half months old and I can't believe it! Time is going by sooo quickly. Everyday something new is happening and he's discovering something new. These last few days his new obsession is Charlie. He hysterically laughs when he watches Charlie play, and Charlie sits very quietly and patiently while Dylan pulls his hair/ears with all his might. I think Charlie is starting to understand that Dylan is his "human".

On another note, Dylan is CRAZY strong. At four months he can already hold himself up and balance for a little while without any help! At Pat's last softball game I was able to catch it on camera.


  1. omg that is a sweet little face. how much does he weigh now?? i bet more than piper! she JUST hit 14 lbs at 6 months!

  2. oh wow! Dylan was 13lbs 10oz at his four month appointment, so she still has a little bit on him! I just saw your blog, soo cute! I'm terrible about updating mine, I've been trying to get better as he gets bigger so our family and friends that live farther away can still see him grow up!
